A unique Klatovy monument with its origins in the XVII century, when the Jesuits came to the town. The crypt under the Church of St. Ignatius served as the burial site of their leading members. The first funerals were in 1676. In all there were 200 people buried in Klatovy, that being up to 1784, when Emperor Josef II banned these practices. Today, only 38 of the bodies remain as in 1937 imprudent rep...
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The history of the Klatovy pharmacy dates back to the mid-16th century, when Bernard Feuerbach set up his practice. He began running his pharmacy in the building on the square around 1639. After 1773, when the Jesuit order was abolished, the pharmacy was bought by Jan Michal Firbas. The pharmacy was in operation until 1966, when it went under the administration of the District Museum as a valuable historic monument. It is based on portraying ...
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Visitors to the pavilion can explore one of the most comprehensive public collections of products from the defunct glassworks in Šumava. At the moment the quality and range of the exhibits is probably the largest exhibition of Lötz glass in the world. The Passau Museum may indeed have more exhibits, but this collection’s composition is such that it tries to cover all the decorations and shapes that Lötz used as well as all the major artists. At the...
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This five-story tower is 81.6 metres tall and was built between 1547 - 1555 by Master Anthony de Salla to signal danger - chiefly fires and enemy troops. The many fires it has witnessed gave the tower its dark black colouring, hence the name the Black Tower. In 1855 the tower was fitted with a clock, which was made by a local mechanic, Jan Bošek. The big hand measures 2 metres, the hands and numerals are gilded. There are 226 steps leading to the observ...
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Pozdně gotický vodní hrad v lukách při řece Úhlavě severně od Klatov byl založen roku 1480 Půtou Švihovským, tehdy jedním z nejbohatších a nejvlivnějších mužů v Čechách. První část hradu byla dokončena roku 1489, celý pak roku 1510. V 18. století byla celá stavba přestavěna na sýpku, v polovině 20. století byl hrad obnoven a zpřístupněn veřejnosti. Zajímavost - hrad s opevňovacím vodním systémem patřil k nejlepším pevnostem své doby.
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