The tour of Malá Strana includes visits to the gardens and inspection of other places of interest and takes between half a day and a whole day. To see everything it offers it is best to make the tour between April and late October, starting at the Malostranská Metro station or walking from Hradčanské náměstí square down the Zámecké schody (Castle Staircase).
In Valdštejnské náměstí (Wallenstein Square) is the entrance to the garden of Ledeburský palác (Ledebour Palace; Valdštejnské náměstí 3/162). This early-18th-century garden is one of the ring of palace gardens on the southern slopes below Prague Castle. The others are the...
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The FÁBULA fairyland is the ideal place for a family outing with the kids. The fun is guaranteed for all ages regardless of the weather. You will be transferred to a unique fairy tale world and live through an unexpected adventure and a fairy tale written by the fairyland and its inhabitants. You will set off with fairy-tale beings on a journey through a magical lost world and dark labyrinths, you’ll disc...
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Navštivte místo, kde se snoubí architektura několika staletí. Historické centrum Nového Jičína bylo prohlášeno městskou památkovou rezervací v roce 1967. Na pravidelném čtvercovém náměstí stojí za zmínku měšťanské domy s loubím a střed náměstí zdobí Morový sloup se sousoším Tančících sedláků v kravařských krojích od France Barwiga.
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Městské muzeum
Muzeum je umístěno v nejstarším dochovaném domě historické části města a jedná se o významnou stavební památku z počátku 19. století a je poslední zachovanou ukázkou podoby města v době jeho vzniku. Dům byl postaven roku 1818 jako penzion pro lázeňské hosty „Zlatý hrozen“. V roce 1823 v něm bydlel Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Muzeum, založené již v roce 1887, stojí v této budově od roku 1953.
Expozici muzea dále doplňuje expozice v přírodě „Geologický park“, vytvořená na ploše téměř 10 ha v těsném sousedství budovy muzea.
Kontakt: Goethovo...
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Městský park v České Lípě náleží svou polohou, rozlohou a kvalitou prostředí k nejlepším v severních Čechách. Park se rozprostírá na poměrně členité ploše a zaujímá skoro 10 ha. Spodní rovinná část je pojata jako anglický park s řadou okrasných prvků, kvetoucích keřů a exotických dřevin. Roste zde téměř 800 stromů a keřů v cca 80 druzích.
Park vznikl v roce 1875 z iniciativy Okrašlovacího spolku. Jeho členům záleželo na podstatném zlepšení kvality života ve městě, jehož prostředí bylo v první polovině 19. století silně zatíženo průmyslovým provozem. V roce 1879 vznikla v parku skalka zvaná ‚Císařské kameny‘ s více než padesáti uká...
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The Michal outdoor pool has many attractions and is located near to Sokolov not far from the Karlovy Vary - Cheb motorway. Apart from a 500 m beach, visitors can look forward to great attractions for children and adults alike, including a giant water plume, sports, food, but above all clean water. The water quality ranks Michal among the cleanest natural reservoirs in the Czech Republic. You can enjoy the large water trampoline, pedadlos or a 190 m long water plume along with a 117 metre long triple slide.
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The Moser Visitors Centre offers a unique glimpse into the 155 year history of the world famous glass manufacturer - Moser Glassworks. The glass museum presents luxury crystal products from Moser and displays items from the oldest glass creations to the latest collections. During the tour of the glassworks you will experience the unique atmosphere of the production process. You can round off your visit with a trip to the company’s g...
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In the 1920’s the colourful and exceptional graphic designer, writer and artist Josef Váchal gave Josef Portmon’s house a truly special interior. Here you will see unique painted murals, carved furniture and furnishings.
Open: May-Sept Tue-Sun 9:00 - 17:00, Apr & Oct, Sat, Sun 9:00 - 17:00
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In the centre of Kutná Hora in the Sankturinovský Dům on Palackého Square you will find the Museum of Alchemy. The museum is conceived of as an alchemist’s workshop or laboratory, where wax alchemists seek out the philosopher’s stone and the elixir of eternal youth. In other rooms you will find a kaleidoscopic cinema or the Golem.
Open daily: April – Sept. 9 - 18 hours/Oct - March Mon - Fri 9 - 17 hours, Sat...
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In the premises of three historic houses the Museum of Chocolate and Marzipan in Tábor showcases the history of chocolate, its cultivation, the importation of cocoa beans to Europe and the subsequent processing into sweets, bars, pralines and figures. The exhibition also shows the history of packaging and advertising posters, on display are porcelain and pewter kits from which chocolate was drunk in the 19th century, an aristocratic saloon or a model of cocoa bei...
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The museum is located in one of the townhouses on Jiráskova Street, at number 4, opposite the Chateau Brewery and the former riding school, and is part of the Chateau Hill. The collection has exhibits dating from 1850 to the present. You can see, for example, historical dolls houses and rooms for dolls, as well as living rooms for princesses and rural people, or an American farm. The exhibition starts with the oldest doll in th...
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The Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media mainly focuses on the medium of photography, but also includes other visual media. The exhibition has works by Czech as well as foreign photographers, significant personalities from the history of (mainly) Czech photography and outstanding contemporary artists. The museum is housed in the historic centre of the town in the ...
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This exhibition in Železná Ruda contains a collection of historic motorcycles and bicycles as well as several historic cars. Here you can find vehicles that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, often preserved in just one piece or a few exemplars. So, for example, you can see the unique Gőrner Klatovy motorcycle from 1921, the belt driven Tyler from 1919, the first car made by Skoda with wooden wheels and m...
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The Lego Museum is divided into several themed circuits, where you will find hundreds of original models from around the world. Several million pieces were used to build the models. The exhibition is constantly being extended and supplemented with interesting and rare pieces. The exhibition also has a laser and light show devoted to Star Wars, which will enthral big and small alike. After visiting the exhibition you can visit the children’s corner, where you can build your own model and even exhibit it. Whilst your little darlings are playing you can treat yourself to some refreshments.
Open: September-June only Sat, Sun/July-August ev...
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