Podzámecká zahrada


The Podzámecká Garden ties in with the Archbishop’s Chateau. It has several entrances around the town, only two of which are from the chateau. After the garden was created in 1509 it was used for growing fruit and vegetables and in the 17th century it was converted into the Baroque style. Today it is seen as a place for walks and relaxation, where you will f...
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Underground Passages

The roughly 650 metres that are open represents just a fraction of Tábor’s underground passages, which are some of the longest in the Czech Republic and date back to the 15th century. The corridors arose by digging and linking multi-storey cellars under the houses in the old town and served mainly for storing food and beer. During large fires they also provided good shelter. The entrance to the cellars and the ticket office is located at the Town Hall and Museum.

Open: year-round, Admission: CZK 50, extra for a guided tour in a foreign language, CZK 200 for a group

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Fábula Fairyland

Fabula 2 JH

The FÁBULA fairyland is the ideal place for a family outing with the kids. The fun is guaranteed for all ages regardless of the weather. You will be transferred to a unique fairy tale world and live through an unexpected adventure and a fairy tale written by the fairyland and its inhabitants. You will set off with fairy-tale beings on a journey through a magical lost world and dark labyrinths, you’ll disc...
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Poklopový pohyblivý jez

jezPoklopový pohyblivý jez přes řeku Ploučnici je českolipskou technickou památkou. Byl postaven v roce 1910 podle konstrukce Ing. J. Záhorského.  Systém vyžadoval přemostění řeky lávkou, pod kterou byly na rámech zavěšeny poklopy, jejichž pohyb byl důmyslně vyřešen tím, že veškeré pohyby se děly ve směru vodního toku a jeho hladina a rychlost pohybu vody sama regulovala svým tlakem otevírání a sklápění.

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Poznejte okolí

novborNový Bor je malebné město plné zeleně ležící 9 km severně od České Lípy. Jeho historie i současnost je spojena se sklářstvím. Oblíbeným cílem je Sklářské muzeum i zdejší sklárny, v nichž mají návštěvníci možnost seznámit se s výrobou skla.





Sloup v Čechách se nachází asi 8 km severně od České Lípy. Velkou turistickou atraktivitou je bezpochyby skalní hrad, který byl zbudo...
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The Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul

Kostel Petra-aPavla

The beautifully decorated Byzantine style Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul was built in the then emerging elite residential area of the Westend in 1893-1898. The building was modelled on the Byzantine-old Russian church near Moscow. The richly decorated church in the shape of a Greek cross is topped by fi...
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The Orthodox Church of St. Vladimir

The Orthodox Church of St. Vladimir


This Orthodox Church in the Russia-Byzantine style was built from 1900-1902. The church is noteworthy for its artwork, not just the beautiful architecture, but also the internal furnishings. The interior is richly decorated, including icons from the 17th century. The enamel-majolica iconostasis, a...
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Turn right at the end of Nerudova street and you have arrived at Prague Castle.

The tour of Prague Castle takes two hours provided you do not enter the buildings and the gardens. A thorough inspection of Prague Castle may take the whole day, but without the art galleries, 4-5 hours suffice. Earphones for a guided tour are available at the information centre.

The seat of the rulers of Bohemia was built on a hill overlooking the River Vltava probably as early as in the 9th century and was gradually expanded over the centuries, bearing traces of all historic periods.

Enter Prague Castle’s first courtyard through the main gate from Hradčanské náměstí sq...
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The outdoor rope centre


The outdoor rope centre is located in Karlovy Vary’s Lázeňské lesy. The rope centre is a good destination for sports enthusiasts who like to test their physical and mental capabilities. Here you will find circuits with rope obstacles for children and adults alike, low rope and top-rope obstacles. Trained instructors make sure everything runs smoothly and safely. The rope centre is located at the former St. Linhart Restau...
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The town of Hradčany was founded as the third town of Prague after 1320, under the reign of King John of Luxembourg, but was granted the full rights of a free royal town only under Emperor Rudolph II. The tour may start at Pohořelec and may be followed by the tour of Prague Castle, or vice versa. Without an inspection of the interiors, two hours will suffice, interiors included it may take half a day.

Pohořelec is one of the three squares of this smallest of Prague’s towns and its Czech name alludes to the local frequent fires. The memorial of two astronomers, Johann Kepler and Tycho de Brahe, was erected here in memory of the house where the latter once lived. He died in P...
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PustevnyPustevny jsou krásné, velmi přitažlivé místo s dalekým výhledem a jedinečnou architekturou. Mimořádně silný genius loci Pusteven je proměnil v nejnavštěvovanější místo Beskyd. A víte, že právě zde vyrostla v roce 1940 první sedačková lanovka v Evropě?

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