Hotel Belvedér


The hotel has its own kitchen and restaurant.

As soon as you walk into it, you suddenly find yourself thousands of miles away from Šumava in the Wild West. The spacious restaurant has Country style decorations. The dining room is divided up into smaller salons, guaranteeing a certain privacy and undisturbed conversations. The restaurant can comfortably seat upto 100 people. In the summer you can enjoy your meal served on the terrace. belveder2The restaurant also has its own brewery. The beer is brewed according to old recipes and is unpasteurised and unfiltered. The brewery ties in with the tradition of a town brewery in Železná Ruda, which brewed its first beer in 1787.



Železná Ruda 189
34004 Železná Ruda

Kontaktní informace:

Telefon: +420 376 397 016


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