A Practical Guide

Glass Pavilion, Klatovy - PASK

Ulice: Hostašova 917
PSČ: 33901
Město: Klatovy
Telefon: +420 376 333 042

klatovy pask

Visitors to the pavilion can explore one of the most comprehensive public collections of products from the defunct glassworks in Šumava. At the moment the quality and range of the exhibits is probably the largest exhibition of Lötz glass in the world. The Passau Museum may indeed have more exhibits, but this collection’s composition is such that it tries to cover all the decorations and shapes that Lötz used as well as all the major artists. At the turn of the 20th century Lötz was one of the top glassmaking companies in the world. 600 products are on display at the Glass Pavilion. The collections owner is still buying glass, so the exhibition will expand over time. The oldest glassware in the exposition is from 1889 and won the Grand Prix at the world exhibition in Paris. This glass imitates precious stones – onyx, malachite, and carnelian.



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Opening hours: Apri–October: daily 9–5:00 November–March: daily 11:00 – 16:30
Admission: Full admission: CZK 50, reduced CZK 30, family CZK 120


tagy: Klatovy